St. Patrick's Primary School

St. Patrick's Primary School

AGHAGALLON - Growing and Learning Together



P5/6s have been learning about Going Green and the importance of protecting our Environment. The children have learned so far the damage Waste causes the environment, the importance of recycling and why we should Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. On Tuesday, the children worked in groups to discuss the dangers of Landfill sites and why it is important that waste goes into the correct bins.

This week, Primary 5/6 began their new topic of “Instructional Writing” which they will focus on over next couple weeks. The boys and girls looked at plenty of examples of Instructional Writing. Here, the boys and girls are organising instructions, by putting them in order to complete the sequence. 

So far in our Going Green, the Primary 5/6 boys and girls have looked at Plastic Pollution, and the dangers its poses to country’s around the world. The boys and girls were split into pairs and given a country to research. The boys and girls thoroughly enjoyed the activity as well as developing their researching and independent skills. 

In Numeracy, Primary 5/6 have been looking into measurements, focusing so far on millimetres, centimetres, metres and kilometres. The boys and girls were predicting and estimating the length of certain objects around the classroom and outside. In pairs, using rulers and metre stick they worked out the length and recorded, seeing if their estimations were close or far from the answer. 

The boys and girls in Primary 5/6 begun to construct their Chocolate Factory from Recycled Materials, as part of our World Around Us Topic - Going Green. The boys and girls enjoyed having their own responsibilities for the design and build of their Chocolate Factory and we are looking forward to seeing the outcome